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Giveaway: SOL REPUBLIC Relays

15 May

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Hey Readers! I’m teaming up with SOL REPUBLIC and giving away a free pair of Relays – color of your choice. Just comment below with your favorite song and your Twitter handle if you have one. I’ll pick the lucky winner at random next Wednesday, May, 21, 2014. Ready, Set, GO!


They’ve got great clarity and a nice bass for those workouts or traveling. And the shape of the ear pieces are like little buttons that fit right against your ear so they won’t fall out.

I’m also a big fan of using them in the office. If you have to grab something out of your drawer or bag while on a conference call, they won’t awkwardly fall out! Not sure if that happens to you, but it happens to me all. the. time.

You can find SOL REPUBLIC online here:

Good luck, readers!